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Writer's pictureUnity of San Antonio

The Work is Within

“It was at this point that Bilbo stopped. Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. The tremendous things that happened afterward were as nothing compared to it. He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait.”

Even if you’re not familiar with The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien, I’m sure you can still relate to that quote. “He fought the real battle in the tunnel alone…” speaks to those moments in our lives where that which is to be overcome is not what is without, but within ourselves, something with its toes dug deep into the mud of fear. Something that holds us back from stepping fully into ourselves.

Welcome to Unity. This is what we teach here. Rising above our perceived limitations into the fullest expression of who and what we are. We support each other on Sunday mornings and in classes, in small groups and while in service. We dialogue and share, explore and inspire each other so that we can each do the real work, that real work of waking up to the Truth of who we are. This waking up which takes place in our own individual consciousness.

And that work can only be done by each one of us, “in the tunnel, alone.”

It takes courage. It takes real bravery to go up against our most cherished beliefs, our own fire breathing dragons, and question their validity: “Do you serve me still? Do you support me in being my best and bravest and highest self? My highest expression of God as me?” It takes courage to meet our fears and look them in the eye and tell them: “You have no power here.”

Our work is to come, step by step, closer to knowing with absolute unshakeable, unwavering certainty that we are One with an Infinite God. That we cannot be outside of Infinite. And as we move closer to that unwavering certainty of knowing, of beingness, we know with increasing steadfastness that All That God is, we are.

As we more deeply remember that we are One with Infinite Life, let us also remember that we draw on the One well of Wisdom, the One well of Creativity, the One well of Love, the One well of Intelligence, the One well of Peace, and that we can draw and draw and draw upon this well and never exhaust it.

Boundless and infinite, it is the source of us, the source of all. Bask in that for a moment if you will. Really take it in. That inexhaustible Love is the source of You! That boundless Wisdom is the source of You! In that dark tunnel, where you encounter that which holds you back, know that the same immense power that moves the planets in perfect harmony is the source of You.

Let us stand together in that knowing and from this place in consciousness let us know that we have all that we need within us to do whatever it is that is before us, for all that we could ever possibly need sources us.


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